Hamsa Pendant Gift Set for Lovers

The Hamsa pendant gift set is a statement piece of bohemian chic mixed with modern elegance. Truly unique, this Hamsa is handmade from 100% natural salt!!!

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Salt has been a preservative substance since old times. Thus made it a symbol for eternal friendship. And best of all, you’ll have a piece of the Holy Land to take with you wherever you go.

Valentine’s Day is the day of love. On February 14, more than any other day of the year, romantic couples shower their better half with gifts and tokens of appreciation.

The day is popular in North and South America, Australia, South Korea and many countries in Western Europe. In the Philippines it is the most common wedding anniversary, and mass weddings of hundreds of couples take place on that date.

The holiday has expanded to expressions of affection among relatives and friends.

Many schoolchildren exchange valentines with one another on this day.

Why We Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

According to readers digest, Valentine’s Day started with the Catholic Church’s feast of St. Valentine’s Day, on the day he was executed by the roman emperor in 270 A.D.

Let’s begin with St. Valentine – or the Valentines. As the History Channel points out, there are a number of Valentines – nearly all of them martyrs – that are connected to the holiday. However, St. Valentine of Terni is the most famous, with a legend associated with him.

Under the rule of Claudius II, the Roman army relied largely on single men. In an effort to save lives, Valentine, who was the bishop of Terni at the time, married young couples after the emperor outlawed marriage for young men so they would be better soldiers, hence where the idea of celebrating love came from on the feast day.

Unfortunately for Valentine, the emperor didn’t take too kindly to his noble romanticism and beheaded the bishop near the outskirts of Rome. 

Valentine’s Day – The Beginning

English poet Geoffrey Chaucer may have invented Valentine’s Day. The medieval English poet often took liberties with history, placing his poetic characters into fictitious historical contexts that he represented as real. No record exists of romantic celebrations on Valentine’s Day prior to a poem Chaucer wrote around 1375. In his work “Parliament of Foules,” he links a tradition of courtly love with the celebration of St. Valentine’s feast day–an association that didn’t exist until after his poem received widespread attention. 

Whether or not Chaucer can be fully credited, it is true that he and fellow writer Shakespeare popularized the amorous associations surrounding the day. Soon, people began penning and exchanging love letters to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and by the early 1910s, an American company that would one day become Hallmark began distributing its more official “Valentine’s Day cards.” Flowers, candy, jewelry, and more followed, and the rest, of course, is history.

And where did the idea of chocolates come from? Well, apparently that, comes from good marketing. Richard Cadbury started designing ornate boxes for his chocolates to come in, including a heart shaped one that may have changed the industry forever.

Valentine’s Day Greetings

In Great Britain, Valentine’s Day began to be popularly celebrated around the 17th century. By the middle of the 18th, it was common for friends and lovers of all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes, and by 1900 printed cards began to replace written letters due to improvements in printing technology. Ready-made cards were an easy way for people to express their emotions in a time when direct expression of one’s feelings was discouraged. Cheaper postage rates also contributed to an increase in the popularity of sending Valentine’s Day greetings.

Americans probably began exchanging hand-made valentines in the early 1700s. In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland began selling the first mass-produced valentines in America. Howland, known as the “Mother of the Valentine,” made elaborate creations with real lace, ribbons and colorful pictures known as “scrap.” Today, according to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year, making Valentine’s Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year. 

The first Valentine’s Day card dates to 1415 when the Duke of Orléans sent a card to his wife while he was he was a prisoner in the Tower of London. In the United States, Valentine’s Day cards didn’t gain popularity until the Revolutionary War, when people took up the habit of writing handwritten notes to their sweethearts. It was only in the early 1900s that cards were mass produced for the holiday. 

Buying the best Valentine’s Day gifts is never as easy as it seems. Though many would tell you they don’t need or want anything, you would be surprised otherwise. When searching for Valentine’s Day gifts, we encourage you to think beyond the usual gifts.

It’s the thought that counts, so get your valentine a gift that shows. You can go the traditional route with flowers and chocolates. Or surprise them with a unique Hamsa amulet handmade from salt from the Dead Sea.

Hamsa Amulet Set handmade from Dead Sea salt

Hamsa Pendant – A Unique Valentine’s Day Gift Set 

When Valentine’s Day comes around you want to pull out all the stops’ go for a present that will be remembered forever. This year go beyond flowers and candy and give the special partner in your life a unique gift made just for them to say “I love you” with style.

Valentine’s Day? Love or eternal friendship?

My mother used to say love doesn’t come from Heaven. It is like a seedling – You need to pour a little bit of water every day if you want to keep it alive for along time.

Love is a friendship with a deep commitment between two people that needs to be nourished if we wish to preserve it. 

Hamsa Amulet – Protect Our Love Ones 

I named the Hamsa amulet design ‘ S H O M E R A ‘- שוֹמֵרָה, which means a keeper or a structure designed for protection. We want to protect our love, we want to protect our love ones.

Salt has been a preservative substance since old times. Thus made it a symbol for eternal friendship. It is the strongest phrase used in the gospels for a deep covenant.

It is pure and unconditional.

It’s giving without asking back.

Truly unique, this Hamsa is handmade from 100% natural salt !!!

Evil Eye Hamsa Amulet

This statement piece is bohemian chic mixed with modern elegance. And best of all, you’ll have a piece of the Holy Land to take with you wherever you go:

  • Golden Touch

Hamsa is designed of PURE SALT with a touch of golden powder.

  • Pure White

Hamsa is designed using  grains of PURE SALT from the Dead Sea

  • Glittering Glimpse

Hamsa is designed from PURE SALT with drops of metal chips. The metal chips may become turquoise or orange with time – it is part of it’s wabi-sabi beauty. Wabi – Sabi is a Japanese artistic concept that sees the beauty in the changing nature of things.We want to keep them always close to our hearts.

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